Friday, 29 June 2012

Octopode journal.

Here are a few pages from my Octopode Journal. I havn't done much crafting for a couple of weeks because ive been ill. Started to do a bit last Saturday.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Shakespeare.......... the theme over on SPA this week. Here is my pc using images from  theoctopodefactory        

Friday, 15 June 2012

Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!

Toff is celebrating its 1st Birthday today. So this weeks them is Happy Birthday Here is a page from my octopode journal. It was my daughter, Sara'sBrithday yesterday and I made her this Tag using lily's images too

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Under the sea

One of my favourite subjects is the theme on SPA this week........... under the sea so i made 2 postcards. The first I made using images from Lisa's Altered Art. The second one is made with an image of mine from Doodle Delights


The theme this week on Toff is Girls just Wanna Have Fun. Here is my latest page in my octopode journal using agatha and Urma digital stamp.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Good News!!!!!!

I had some really good news earlier this week. Patty , who owns Lisa'sAltered art asked me to join her design team. Of course I said yes!
Here is a Journal page I made last night with some of her images

Saturday, 2 June 2012


The theme on Spa this week is Jubillee. We are celebrating with a BBQ at my daughters with family and friends tomorrow. I just hope the weather is kind to us.
Here is my postcard

Black and White

Black and White is the theme over on TOFF this Week. I love working with black and white
Here is another page from my octopode journal