Sunday, 26 February 2012


The Theme over on SPA is Birthstones. My birthstone is diamond. Here is the postcard i made

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Gothic postcard

Here is my postcard for spa this week. I'm very late posting this even though i've had the postcard ready in plenty of time.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Fancy Dress.......................... the theme over on Toff thjis week.
I've made a tag wit hthe mad hatter wearing Alice's dress

Saturday, 11 February 2012

My Heart Belongs to you

I have used The Zombie Couple from Theoctopodefactory for this week's challenge

Morticia and Gomez

This week's theme on TOFF is Valentines. Her is a card i mad using morticia and Gomez.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Friday, 3 February 2012

The Grey Lady

The theme on TOFF this week is Shades of Grey
Here is a tag I made with one of the new Somewhere Girls