Saturday, 31 March 2012


Venetian Masks is the theme on SPA this week. I don't really like masks but decided to make 2 postcards!

Bling it on...................

is the theme over on TOFF.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Sunday Postcard Art

This weeks theme on Sunday Postcard Art is Rusty ole Barn. I really struggled with this. Was trying to forget about it really but Mandy will keep reminding me of things and since she was at our house for the weekend I just couldn't get away with it (she keeps telling me I should get out of my comfort zone). So here is my postcard for this week.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Spring.............................. the theme over on TOFF this week. Here is a tag I made

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Green................................. the theme over on SPA
Here is my postcard

Oh Alice!!!!!!!

Another tag here made with an image from theoctopodefactory
I am entering this into DragonsDream Tag it on Challenge


I've been making tags this week with Lily's new images from theoctopodefactory. Great images Lily!!!My favorite is the Strawberry Girl. I'm entering these into Patties Designs theme of TAGS

Friday, 16 March 2012

Boys will be boyz................................ the theme over on TOFF this week. I made this canvas using images from The peter Pan set